XIV IADA Congress, Warsaw 23. - 26.9.2019

Written by English test | 12.09.2019 22:00:00

This congress will address the latest developments in the profession, which cover, but are not confined to, conservation decision-making, collection risk management, surveys, sharing positive and negative outcomes of scientific research and conservation projects, art technological studies (artist’s materials and techniques), ethical considerations in conservation as well as hands-on experiences.

This congress offers a great opportunity to stay up-to-date in the field of book and paper conservation and to network with colleagues from around the world.

We will be exhibiting (from 23.09 - 26.09.2019) together with our Polish representative Ceiba Sp. Z o.o. (booth # 6) and look forward to meeting you. During the exhibition we will be pleased to provide you with information on all conservation and archiving issues.

Programme: Download
Congress language: English

Venue: Polin Museum – Auditorium, 6 Mordechaja Anielewicza St., 00-157 Warsaw/Poland

Congress Timings:
Monday, 23.09.19 - 10:00 – 18:00
Tuesday, 24.09.19 - 09:00 – 18:00
Wednesday, 25.09.19 - 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday, 26.09.19 - 11:00 – 15:00