Technical Knowledge Folder No. 11 – FSC at KLUG-CONSERVATION

Written by English test | 04.04.2023 12:44:00

The eleventh issue of the Technical Knowledge Folder series has been published.


KLUG-CONSERVATION has been certified by the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) since May 2021. The majority of our paper boards, corrugated boards and packaging made from these materials are in the meantime available with FSC certification. Our paper and board products are manufactured from 100% FSC-certified, fresh cellulose fibre.

As a manufacturer and retailer of FSC-certified paper products, Walter Klug GmbH & Co. KG holds a Chain of Custody (CoC) certification. This verifies that the entire path of the product – from forest to finished goods – is FSC-certified and trackable.

Read more in the digital edition of the current Technical Knowledge Folder.