Manufactured whilst using the finest bookbinding methods, this classical premium quality, tightly closing, acid-free clamshell cassette is available in any individual size. The upper and lower cabinets of the box are made of 2 mm thick KLUG mounting board, are cut to mitre and glued together. The book cover is made of 1,5 mm museum board. The cover lining fabric is made of natural linen "Lino Auster 405". The inner liner consists of 0,5 mm natural white mounting and matting board with or without alcaline (carbonate) buffer. The dispersion glue used for manufacturing the clamshell cassette is free of plasticizers. The boxes are delivered completely up-right.
These traditional, premium quality book binding clamshell boxes meet all the requirements for active and permanent archival storage:
• all board materials used are acid-free and meet the technological requirements of the ISO 9706, ANSI/NISO Z.39.48-1992 and DIN 6738 standards
• the linen fabric used for the cover lining is not dyed, to avoid colour pigment bleeding in the case of water damage
• the paper lamination on the reverse side of the cover lining fabric is ph-neutral
• the cover linen fabric is impregnated with a potatoe starch derivative finish
• the slightly alkaline PVAc dispersion glue used to gum the lamination paper with the cover lining fabric is free of plasticizers
• the dispersion adhesive used for the paperboard is based on a ethylene venyl acetate copolymer (EVA), is ph-neutral and and free of plasticizers
• each order/inquiry is provided with a valid, legally binding "Guarantee of Quality".