Envelopes - made of opaque coloured paper - suitable for long-term archival storage should meet the following conditions (criteria):
The material used for manufacturing the envelopes must positively pass the Photographic Activity Test (PAT) in accordance with the ANSI IT 9.16 / ISO 14523-1999 regulation. This applies for both the paper and adhesives being used. The paper used for the envelopes should have a minimum grammage/weight of at least 100 gsm, ensuring sufficient stiffness for upright storage of the envelopes and for less creasing. The top surface structure of the paper should be smooth, erasable and inscribable. The seams of the envelopes must be glued on the exteriors to avoid damaging the object being inserted. All cut edges should be straight (without wavy pattern) and cleanly cut, the corner edges should be rounded. Tattered cutting edges can damage the original object being inserted into the envelope.
For samples please do not hesitate tpo contact us. Convince yourself of the high-quality envelopes made by KLUG-CONSERVATION. Mrs. Ursula Diebold is looking forward to your post. You can contact her at the following e-maill address: ud@klug-conservation.com.