New NOVO Test paper for deacidification
Now, with the DIN recommendation the first step towards standardization in the process of deacidification has been made. It is now necessary that this document is also used as the basis for deacidification tenders being opened.
The publication of the "Recommendation how to successfully examine the processes of deacidification treatment for printing and writing papers" which was released by the German Institute of Norm Standardization e.V. (DIN)*, has for the first time given archives and libraries a guidance tool enabling them to implement and control proper deacidification methods. You receive with the fulfilment of the DIN recommendation, an automatic guarantee for the desired/ordered requirements.
Conversely, the deacidification provider has the possibility through the application of the DIN recommendation to certify his procedure and thus is in the position to offer services transparent to all and also comparable to similar methods available on the market. The DIN recommendation is also a legitimate and due to its transparence a much desired document.This is also important because the standardization of deacidification methods contributes to the clarification whether the products offered are in accordance with the requirements set for proper conservation. Therfore this is an appeal to all archives and libraries, who for conservation purposes want paper deacidification done, ensure that the DIN recommendation is used as the basis for their tender description, and also demand that the provider offers permanent fulfilment of the DIN recommendation requirements." (Archive director, Dr. Rainer Hofmann, National Archive Koblenz); *German Institute of Norm Standardization e.V.(Hrsg.): Conservation in Archives and Libraries. Berlin: Beuth 2007, P. 9-32
KLUG-CONSERVATION now offers these ISO recommendation test papers:
NOVO Test Paper 1 for deacidification, 90 gsm, wood-containing, article-no. 007090
Material characteristics:
• Size: 70 x 100 cm
• Grammatur: 90 gsm
• > 50 % mechanical wood pulp (CTMP), lignin content 17% ; Kappa 113
• the rest consists of bleached cellulose pulp
• Filler: approx. 12 – 15 % kaolin
• Sizing: Cobb60 approx. OS 19 / SS 21 gsm
• Sizing contents: resin size and alum
• Without top surface sizing
• pH-value in the head box of the machine: 4.0 – 5.0 (adjustment with alum)
• Top surface structure: calendered smooth (machine-finished)
• Without the usage of optical brighteners (OBA free)
NOVO Test Paper 2 for deacidification, 70 gsm, wood-free, articlel-no. 007091
Material characteristics:
• Sizet: 70 x 100 cm
• Weight: 70 gsm
• 100 % blechaed cellulose pulp
• Filler: ca. 12 – 15 % kaolin (china clay)
• Sizing: Cobb60 OS 20 / SS 22 gsm
• Sizing content: resin size and alum
• No top surface sizing
• pH-value in the head box of the machine approx. 4.5 (adjustment with alum)
• Top surface structure calender glazed
• without the usage of optical brighteners (OBA free)
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