Museums+Heritage Show, 14 + 15 May 2014, London

Written by English test | 25.01.2014 23:00:00

Museums + Heritage is UK’s most comprehensive and exciting event for museums, galleries, heritage and the cultural sector.

We look forward to meeting you at stand B8 in Olympia, West Hall, London.
Exhibition information

For appointments please contact Mr. Martin Stammberger at +44 (0) 1993 358 133; mob. + 44 (0) 7523 980 802 or via email

We proudly present our latest product, ES board! ES is the abbreviation for "Emission-free Starch-based Adhesive". All KLUG products with the "ES" marking are manufactured with this emission-free, ageing-resistant adhesive.The ES glue used in these new products is based on heat-treated starch, white in colour, cold water soluble and viscosity-stable.

P.S.: Admission to the exhibition is free!

Opening hours
Wednesday 14 May 2014     0930 to 1730 hrs
Thursday 15 May 2014         0930 to 1700 hrs
Venue: West Hall, Olympia, London

Visitor Information Leaflet