Linking the past and future, ICOM-CC Copenhagen, 18th Triennial Conference 04. - 08.09.2017

Written by English test | 06.08.2017 22:00:00

Inspired by the 50th anniversary of ICOM-CC, the Conference theme revolves around the past and future of conservation. ICOM-CC's hallmark has always been action: linking past advances with future directions. ICOM-CC offers a unique international focus through worldwide participation in its specialty working groups. Its contribution is based in the philosophy and activities of conservators, conservation scientists, historians, archaeologists, managers, and other stakeholders in preserving our cultural heritage. Each generation of professionals participates in establishing building blocks for the future.

The exhibitor area is within the foyer area of the conference, taking place in the Tivoli Centre & Hotel, Arni Magnussons Gade 2, 1577 København V, Denmark. We look forward to meeting you there.
The exhibition hours are from 4th September till 8th September 2017:  09:00 - 17:00 hrs.

Conference programme: PDF download