"The winner in the category "Product of the Year" is: KLUG-CONSERVATION with their product "Conservation board"
In the museum, gallery and picture framing industry KLUG conservation board is considered as state-of-the-art. Regardless whether you are considering material quality, permanence or product consistency, KLUG conservation board is unsurpassed.
Dr. Paul-Bernhard, head of the restoration department of the Universal Museum Joanneum in Graz/Austria and author of the Art Trade magazine “Kunsthandel” stated: "We in the copper etching cabinet in the Joanneum Museum appreciate KLUG products tremendously and have been using them since many years."
KLUG-CONSERVATION is known for constantly offering pioneering and innovative solutions designed for creative, individual customer requirements. In 2011 for example, this Bavarian based company located in Immenstadt introduced the largest sized conservation board; ideal as matting board and backboard.
The premium quality of this conservation board and the innovative developments of KLUG have been rewarded with the German Art Trade Prize 2011 in the category "Product of the Year"."