Exponatec Cologne, 16.11. - 18.11.2011

Written by English test | 18.09.2011 22:00:00

Exponatec is an international trade fair for professionals in the museum, conservation and heritage communities. Located in close proximity to, and complementing COLOGNE FINE ART every two years, the show focuses on the planning, construction, infrastructure and technical equipment of art galleries, museums and libraries and covers related fields such as conservation, preservation, restoration, etc. In recent years conservation picture framing has gained more and more importance. Besides the ethical components, the sensibility towards conservation and preservation of valuable objects and artefacts has in recent years increased dramatically. Damages caused by improper framing methods should actually belong to the past ! We would like to contribute our share by offering appropriate materials and products for quality conservation picture framing and archiving. We look forward to your visit.

More than 238 exhibitors from over 18 different countries will be exhibiting their products and innovations from 16. Nov. thru till 18. November 2011. For further information regarding the trade show please click

Date of the trade show:: 16.11. - 18.11.2011
Venue: Messegelaende, Messeplatz 1, 50679 Cologne - Deutz

Opening hours:
Wednesday, 16.11.09: 10:00 - 18:00 pm
Thursday, 17.11.09: 10:00 - 18:00 pm
Friday, 18.11.09: 10:00 - 17:00 pm

We look forward to welcome you at the show !