DIN ISO 16245:2012
Since May 2012 the ISO 16245 standard "Information and documentation – Boxes, file covers and other enclosures, made from cellulosic materials, for storage of paper and parchment documents " has been in effect. Meanwhile the initial experiences with this new standard are known. Consequently, the following remarks are to be noted:
According to the standard two types of board are specified for the boxes, distinguished by the material used, in Type A and Type B. The material of Type A board must fulfill the technological requirements of the DIN ISO EN 9706 standard, the material of Type B should also fulfill the technological requirements of the DIN ISO EN 9706, however, without restrictions on the kappa number, which indicates the oxidative component content (lignin). Boxes made from the material Type A should be marked with "Board ISO 16245 – A" and the boxes made from material type B should be indicated as "Board ISO 16245 – B".
KLUG-CONSERVATION offers their customers products only made from the material type A. Since a short while ago you you will find this documented in our legal binding Quality Guarantee "This quality corresponds to the technological basis of the ISO 16245 – 2012". The materials in this case are tested with respect to their alkaline reserve (buffer), Kappa value, pH value, colourfastness, optical brighteners and water absorption quantity (COBB 60).
The unique and special feature of the newly enforced ISO 16245 is that for the first time requirements on the material used and construction of the packaging have been set. The standard provides tests for all sizes and construction variants. Every single product, whether manufactured individually or in small series, is subject to all the tests.
The examination of the material and requirements set on the construction are complex and costly. Even as a relevant and well-known supplier for ageing resistant board materials, we are not able to carry out all these elaborate tests in our laboratries. External examinations from independent institutes have to be considered and can cost on an average upto 1.000 – 1.250 Euros per product.
This is why KLUG-CONSERVATION has proposed to complete and interpret the "National Preface" of the standard so that the construction requirements of archival packaging in accordance with the ISO 16245 are based on standard formats or to exemplarily selected format sizes. This will help control testing expenditures.
Please view our attached certificate of a KLUG archival box, KS 14, for the upright storage of archival goods, made from grey-blue/natural white coloured board material, approx. 1400 gsm, dimensions 260 (H) x 370 (W) x 100 (D) mm. We have had this product completely tested by the Paper Technology Foundation (PTS) in accordance with ISO 16245 standard, the certificate illustrates an appropriate test report.
We sincerely recommend to inquire and check with your suppliers, especially in the case of tenders with requirements in accordance with the ISO 16245 standard, whether the undergone tests were done individually or exemplarily and if necessary demand disclosure of the acquired certificate. Please take into consideration that not every protective packaging made of the material type A inevitably fulfills the requirements of the ISO 16245 standard. Certain material characteristics may meet the standard requirements, but after design configuration of the box a negative test result could be achieved.
KLUG-CONSERVATION offers all their products with utmost price transparency, we either clearly state the extra costs for testing or the price of the tests is included in the quoted price.