The roots of KLUG-CONSERVATION lead back to the 19th century, to be precise 1869 in Berlin, where the company Friedheim & Sacros was set up. The business basically dealt with the production of white and coloured board papers, photograph and mount mat boards for the picture framing industry. Over the years they made considerable turnovers. The founder of the company, Friedheim, became very wealthy and made a large fortune.
Later on his heirs sold the business to Moritz Fraenkel based in Vienna and to Adolf Brandt located in Eulau. Together they led the business in the form of a private limited company under the name of "Friedheim & Son". In 1913 Rudolf Klug became the managing director of the company named "Friedheim & Son". The company discontinued their own production of board materials. The business of "Friedheim & Son" exclusively concentrated on the sale and distribution of all kinds of boards and papers. Shareholders of the new company were Rudolf Klug Senior and his son Rudolf Klug Junior, both resident in Berlin, and his brother Walter Klug who lived in Mexico.
For more interest you may read here.
Even though we possess very little original historic documentation and information sources, we have been fortunate enough to compile the company's historical profile. Should you be in possession of documents, photographs or information which could be of use to us, we would be very grateful to receive them. Please contact us at KLUG-CONSERVATION.