We at KLUG-CONSERVATION consider it a matter of social responsibility to provide, those who have had to flee their homes and leave their families behind, a better quality of life here within our midst. We are privileged to be a part of a strong, intact community and therefore see it as our duty to help refugees seeking asylum integrate into our Western society, so that they may live amongst us with new hope and confidence.
This year we have decided on a very special Christmas gift. With a donation of 2,700 Euros earmarked for the benefit of refugees seeking a new life in our hometown of Immenstadt, we would like to contribute towards helping them get settled and ensuring they receive professional guidance while looking for a new job.??
KLUG-CONSERVATION would like to thank you for your interest, trust and cooperation during this past year. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year.
P.S.: We will be closed for annual holidays between Christmas and New Year. Nevertheless, our Sales department will still be at your disposal, for more details refer to: www.klug-conservation.com